Good news! I finally got a job! I work for Grigg Apiaries, and I've worked there for about a week and a half. I've been waiting to post about it until I got a picture of where I work, but things are always so crazy out there and I always forget to. Grigg Apiaries is a bee/honey farm (I don't really know) and right now we're in the middle of honey season. So, we spend most of our days extracting the honey from the hives. I'm the only girl employee, so I am "Scratcher Girl" in the warehouse. I get the lovely job of standing next to the convor belt and scratch the wax off the frames so the honey will come out. It is THE most boring job in the world, I basically just stare at the back wall all day long! Some days if we are all out of honey we have to go out into the fields and pull honey. This is where my first picture comes in.. Everytime I tell someone that I work for a bee farm they ask "Do you have to wear that sweet suit thing??" The answer is sort of. We don't have a full on suit, but see that lovely hat plus net up there? Oh yeah, I get to wear that all day long in the heat. Yuck. So in the field I'm "Gas Board Girl". I go around wo the hives with these lids that have been sprayed with Bee Go, which gets them out of the hive. I guess it makes the bees really sick, which makes total sense, because if I get it anywhere near my eyes they start to water like crazy. So those are my two responsibilities out there. Plus helping clean up and filling barrels with honey. So all in all, it's a pretty nice job. It's always really hot and long, we work most days like eight or nine hours. But it's alright, I like it.
There is one major downfall to this job, and that is being around bees all the time. I hadn't been stung by a bee since I was like five before this job. And now I've been stung so many times I've lost count. They tell me that soon I won't even notice them, but I'm not seeing that happen anytime soon. Both these pictures are hard to tell what's going on. But the first one is my ankle, my boss jinxed me and asked if a bee had crawled up my leg yet, I told him no. And probably a minute later a bee crawled up my pants and stung my ankle! It is pretty swollen, and looks like a have a major cankle. I don't know why, but it's all bruised too. The next picture is of my swollen middle finger. I tried to help a guy out and get a bee off his collar, which I did. But I got stung in the process. It's pretty funny to see how I react to the stings. Some make me swell up, some make me have massive red, itchy rashes, and some don't do anything. Thank goodness for Benadryl! Well, I've rambled. But it's a hard job and I'm always way tired by the end of the day. But I got my first ever paycheck (which is what I'm holding in the first picture) and that made everything worth it! That's it for now!
Love, SL
PS.. I like this background whoever chose it... Good choice!