Saturday, November 28, 2009

Speaking of Missionaries...

I loved Lily's post and am so happy to hear that her brother is back. It reminded me of my missionary and I thought I would let you guys in on the news!

I'm pretty sure most of you guys already know but, just in case, for those of you who don't Christopher James Jackson has received his mission call! He will be spending the next Two years of his life in Hermosillo, Mexico! His dream mission. He has always wanted to serve in Mexico.I am so proud of him and how he has prepared himself for this important time in his life. I am so excited for him and this new adventure. He will be an amazing missionary!

He will be leaving February 24, 2010. Good Luck Christopher!!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Part 2

I too, am grateful for my family. I have learned how much they really mean to me and how much they all did for me my whole eighteen years. But Kelcey already covered that blessing beautifully. So..
This Thanksgiving I am grateful for Missionaries. Firstly, I am grateful for the blessing that they are to those that they teach. The gospel is the most important thing on this Earth and it is a comfort to me that we have so many willing young men and women out in the world sharing the gospel with all who will listen. I have family members who are converts and I have been lucky to see the gospel enter the lives of some of my friends. The gospel is a beautiful thing and I am grateful for the missionaries who sacrifice to teach it.
Secondly, I am grateful for the lessons that the missionaries learn while teaching the gospel. It has been so great to watch my friends leave for missions as young 19 year old boys, hear from them as they are transforming, and see them come home as 21 year old men. I cannot imagine how difficult it is to be away for two years and forgetting about the world and just getting to work. I am so grateful for the experiences that they have. For the people they become. For the changes that are made. I really think that a mission is a great way for people to grow up and learn important lessons. Ah, I just love everything about a mission.
Thirdly, and most importantly, I am grateful for my missionary. It is so difficult to have a member of your family gone for two years. He has missed so much JR miss, graduation, senior year, and first semester in college. But he has been doing something much more important, spreading the gospel. I cannot wait for him to come home TOMORROW! It has been a long two years, but at the same time a short two years. My whole family will be all together again for Thanksgiving, the first time in many years. I am so excited and it is going to be the best holiday ever! To all my missionary boys (past present and future), I am so grateful for you and the sacrifice you make to further the work of the church. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone, I know I will! :)

Monday, November 23, 2009


All in a WordBy

Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.

H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.

A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.

N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.

K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.

S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.

That spells ~~~THANKS---for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

I think just for fun, if you guys aren't too busy, we could name the one thing that we are most thankful for that happened this past year.

For me I would have to say the deep love and appreciation I have found for my family while I have been gone for school. I really didn't realize how much I learned from them and how many life skills they prepared me for. I see alot of freshman girls like me struggling with things that I have known all my life. Like how to be careful with money and how to do laundry and iron, do dishes and cook and not to be lazy and to go to classes and do homework even if my parents aren't there to tell me to. I swear I can hear the exact words my mom would say to me in my head when I have a bunch of laundry to put away (I have told you 50 times to put this laundry away and if i have to tell you one more time......) I also hear my dad's voice creeping in my head when I invited to go watch a pirated movie at a friends house. (He is the most honest guy I know and I would feel his disappointment if I would have said I would go.) I also didn't realize how strong and faithful they were in the gospel. It is so easy for some people to just be lazy and not go to the church. My parents taught me a deep love and appreciation for the gospel and I absolutely love going to church no matter where it is at and I love the extra activities that we can become involved with. My whole family influenced the person I am today and I didn't realize it untill I had to live with out them. I am so grateful for all the lessons they taught me and I hope that someday I can be as good of parents they were to me.

I really hope I can hear from you guys to about the things you are thankful for. I love you guys and am so grateful for you guys influences in my life also. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Love Belchy!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


How one presents him or her self to the world. Swagger is shown from how the person handles a situation. It can also be shown in the person's walk.
Oh much has happened since I last blogged about my dream of living in a rainforest! Haloween! A fire scare! Midterms! It's almost Thanksgiving! The first snow of the year that didn't stay :( but hey, it's ok I suppose!
Anyways, me and CBean played with her photobooth thing on her comp, last night, had some fun, and made this! We definitely have got some "swagga" haha! Anyways I just wanted to say how much I LOVE CBean!! We are going to make a musical about experience living here at 57 Horn-e Hall! It will be grrreat!
We've got some killer dance moves as well! I'll keep you all updated!
Well that's a quick update...back to studying!!