Friday, July 3, 2009


So this kid was at my house the other day, sporting some sweet, amazing glasses...which I must admit...I coveted...I had to know where they were from, if I could purchase some, what the price was...I was almost prepared to sell my soul for them...OK maybe not...but close! I mean seriously, anything that is either straw related, or fake glasses related is totally me! Combine the two...and I'm in Heaven! The same day, I hit the road and....

I purchased my own pair!! I think I rock them quite well! My next step is to figure out how to put some dark lenses in them and I can rock them at work! You could say it was fate that that kid was at my house, wearing some amazing straw glasses...but that would be a gross understatement!


Kelcey Jones said...

Hannah if you wore those to work i know everyone would be so so envious! i would love it so much if you did haha


Hannah said...

I will the next time I lifeguard! haha