Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July the Fourth...AKA The Fourth of July

Well, to start out with, I just thought I'd say how greatful I am for this beautiful country we live in! I'm so thankful for all of the freedoms we are able to enjoy, and for the many people who have made sacrifices for our country and the many people who still do. One of the freedomes I am especially greatful for is the freedom of religion! Where would we all be without our awesome church, and prophet, and leaders?!? I love this picture, because it's at the Rexburg temple...in Rexburg, Idaho! Anyways here's how I spent my fourth of July celebrating our independence!
Althouh, we weren't all able to celebrate our beautiful country's independence together, Silly, Banana, and a few other friends [Marshall, Chandler, and Colebert] enjoyed a scrumptious BBQ at Banana's! Then we went out to Chandler's farm, where his cows had escaped, and we got his canoes, and headed back to town to watch the fireworks from the lake!The sunset was absolutely BEAUTIFUL I couldn't help but snap a quick photo!

Colbert liked to refer to himself as many different names that night. First, he was "Washington crossing the Deleware", and then I said he looked like Christopher Columbus arriving in "Asia" but really America! His ultimate favorite though was Capt'n Kirk!
I tried to get a pic of all of us in our canoes, but I'm not that skilled, so here's one of all but Banana! I just noticed our canoes are red and green...AKA Christmas colors!! Less than half a year!Here are a few pics of the fireworks! Our view was sooo AMAZING! We were right by where they launched the $17,000 worth of fireworks! Thankfully, none of them went sideways and made our canoes explode!The aftermath of the fireworks! We canoed right by it! The only thing I regret, was that we did not think to bring marshmallows, and roasting sticks!After the fireworks were over, we canoed back to shore, and went out to Chandler's! Silly and Marshall stopped at McDonald's on their way out. While we were waiting for them, Chandler climbed a tree..and Colbert wanted to, so he tried, and tried, and tried, and tried...and eventually got up...haha but then he couldn't get down, so he enjoyed his McChicken in the tree! As you can probably see, Colbert eventually made it down to partake of his coveted Cinnamon melt!
We did some of our own fireworks at Chandler's pond! We did some that made a loud noise, Roman Candles, Sparklers, some bottle rockets (which I did not realize you had to let go of), and a grand finale of some fountain which we thought was done...and then it kept going!
All in all, I think we all had a great night! Thanks to our awesome friends for being so fun! Thanks Chandler for letting us use your canoes, and going to your farm, we hope you found your cows!
I hope you all had an amazing independence day as well!

Here's a sweet vid. of us singing during the fireworks...I'm afraid due to the fact that I help the camera, my voice kind of overpowers the others a little...sorry...haha but the fireworks are awesome!


Kourtni said...

Wow Hannah, you have a gorgeous singing voice...hahahaha

Jessica said...

im so sad that i missed out on this! it seems like you guys had a tone of fun! but i cant wait to see everyone in only a few days!

Hannah said...

I know Kourtni...thank you captain obvious!! ha ha

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Whoa! What a PERFECT way to see the fireworks. You guys are not only fun, you're smart.

Tiffany Fackrell said...

Hannah I think whether you were holding the camera or not your voice still would have overpowered, HAHAHAH!! you DO have a BEAUTIFUL singing voice!! I Got to hear it in person on SUNDAY!!!! I am going to have to remember the canoe tip for next year...I will race ya to the canoes, hehehhehehe!!!