Thursday, December 3, 2009

these are my confessions.

I have found a recent infatuation with glasses.
That's right you have heard me right. glasses.
You probably are previously aware of my obsession with wearing them while doing homework, serious business, and to the testing center.
But this is not recent.
I'm talking about glasses on other people.
In particular other people who belong to the male gender.
so here it goes...
I think it's SEXY when I see dashing young men in a certain cut of glasses.

I saw one particular dashing young man once.
that is when my infatuation began.
then I saw a bunch of other dashing young men in the same style of glasses.
Now I find myself saying "Wow. That guy is ayttractive. But give him a pair of glasses and mmm..."

and now i shall pleed with you
if you know of any dashing young men in the provo area
who wear the certain style of glasses that i adore
please let me know
i'd love to meet them


Jenn said...


KIKA said...

LOL Hannah, Hannah, you almost got us in trouble today in class when we were looking at this post! haha but I agree wholeheartedly! hmmm you should do this for our last project in Jon's class! ;)

Christopher Jackson said...

sweet glasses; i wanna see the ones you put on during homework.

Senioritas de Moses Lake said...

haha thanks Chris! Congrats on the call! I have two for homework/finals and one for normal tests!